And so the process of detangling our
intricately intertwined lives begins

The Love in Staying Away

Grace Gong


You said in 5 years we’d meet again
through blurry tears, you were gone
and so we don’t stay friends,
or keep in touch
but just quietly learn how to fall out of love.

I respect the way you let me go
with such finality
No showing up at my door with flowers,
no midnight calls, no doubts
just scissors cutting through strings.

For a moment it feels cruel —
but I realize it’s the kindest thing we can do.

You don’t text to ask about that interview I was nervous about
or if I got home safe.
It’s not your role to play anymore as of 12:38.

And so the process of detangling our
intricately intertwined lives begins
I cry as I cross off all my gift ideas for your birthday off my shopping list.

It starts as sharp stabs of pain,
then ebbs into a dull ache
Like when a friend mentions your trip across the country
Or I hear a song I know you’d like.

After months, we become what we first started as —
strangers, again.

And so staying over here is how I show you I love you.
And you giving me space is how I know you love me, too.

